If we do not do what we love…

…We risk doing nothing at all.

This is the quote that graces a little plaque I was inspired to purchase a couple of years ago.  It currently hangs from the mantle, which is also my ancestral altar.  On that same corner of the mantle is a small wind chime, given to me by a friend and a glass Bluebird ornament– bluebird being one of my major symbols.

Sometimes we do things without knowing why.  I call that a whisper from Spirit, others may call it intuition or inspiration. Whatever your name for it, you can be assured that it is quite real. We are all hard-wired to receive messages from ‘Home’ so it should come as no surprise that these whispers come along at just the right time…. which leads me to the topic of today’s post.

A funny thing happened to me on the death anniversary of my Grandmother, July 8th.  If you read this blog regularly, you know she’s one of my major supporters on the Other Side, and she is always very close in Spirit.  It just so happens that although I’m a regular visitor to her resting place, on this day every year I do not visit.   So there I sat on my couch, watching television when I heard my wind chime.  I looked over and saw that my little Bluebird had flipped over- though still attached to the post- and drew my attention to my little sign.  I smiled, and spoke aloud, “Hi Gramma.  I see you found a way to say ‘hi’ today.” 🙂

The message was loud and clear.  All of those moments when I’d whisper to Spirit, “What am I supposed to do? How am I going to move forward?” had been heard.   This time it was my Grandmother who answered.  This kind of thing happens to me quite often on a subtle level, but there are times when she does something out of the ordinary because she enjoys seeing my reaction.  For me, it’s like receiving an unexpected package or gift on my doorstep.  It truly is a gift, and it always makes me smile.

You may have asked for help, or direction and think you have not received an answer.  Remember this- sometimes we tune ourselves out to the answer we receive because it is not what we wanted to hear.  We expect Spirit to give us some kind of secret backdoor way to get what we want.  This is a very human trait.  What we need to remember is that we see things through a limited, tiny lense, compared to the way Spirit sees them. I’m reminded of a quote from Oprah’s Master Class- “God can dream a bigger dream for us than we can dream for ourselves.”  Be open.  You’re being listened to and you’re getting your answers.  Spirit knows your soul, and will always give you the inspiration needed to fulfill your purpose, even if it’s not what you think it’s supposed to be!

Blessings to all of you, my amazing readers!

~ by healingstarspirit on August 6, 2013.

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